=Click on the buttons or images for more details on pricing! Make sure to read the ToS first before commissioning.


Style 1: $20, lined style
Style 2: $20, semi-lineless style
Style 3: $15, thicker lines
Matching icons in the same drawing are double the price (EX: $30 for matching style 3 icons).


$35 single, $55 couple


Black & white
Bust: $15
Waist-up: $25
Fullbody: $35
+$10 for each additional character
Bust: $25
Waist-up: $35
Fullbody: $45
+$15 for each additional character


Flat color
Bust: $25
Waist-up: $35
Fullbody: $45
+$10 for each additional character
Bust: $35
Waist-up: $45
Fullbody: $55
+$15 for each additional character


Flat color
Bust: $45
Waist-up: $55
Fullbody: $65
+$15 for each additional character
Bust: $55
Waist-up: $65
Fullbody: $75
+$20 for each additional character


You may request any brushes I have used before (send a previous work of mine for reference). Otherwise I will choose what I prefer personally at the time of working on your commission.For paintings done mainly with inka, I will put in more effort/detail than I would for the "lineless inka" category.Bust: $70
Waist-up: $90
Fullbody: $110
+$30 for each additional character
Painted scenes start at a base price of $100. Additional pricing depends on the number of characters and their visibility (bust, waist, fullbody, and how detailed they appear). I may also charge more if the character(s) has a complex design.


Let me have fun experimenting with different brushes, compositions, styles, etc. on your character(s)! This can range from a simple bust sketch to a detailed painting, depending on payment.I will not send a sketch for this option since the point is for me to have creative freedom, but feel free to let me know the general vibe you want and any important design notes.Minimum price: $10 for a single character. More money = more effort, time, and quality!For experimental/PWYW, there is no set additional pricing for more characters or complex designs, but I will have the chance to draw your character(s) in a higher quality the higher payment you offer.

Commission Terms of Service

I will draw generally anything for a commission as long as it is not overly graphic and/or fetish content. I can draw any species. Complex designs will be a higher price (additional ~$10).NSFW/suggestive commissions are for those who are 18+ only. I will only draw adult human/anthropomorphic characters in this type of artwork. I won't post explicit NSFW on my main account.

1.) General Terms
★ I have the right to decline a commission for any reason.
★ In most cases, I don’t accept written character design descriptions as substitutes for reference images.★ You may not use my service for anything related to NFTs, Cryptocurrency, or AI.2.) Commission process
• Read ToS and DM me on any of my sites to discuss your commission. I'm more likely to see your inquiry on Twitter/X and Tumblr.
• I accept payment in USD through Paypal or Venmo primarily, but I can accept Cashapp as well. Commissions must be paid in full upfront.• Turnaround time for a sketch can be up to 1-2 weeks after payment. Turnaround time for the completed piece can be up to around 1-4 weeks afterward, depending on the complexity of the commission and how busy I am IRL.• If you have approved the sketch I sent, I will not make changes to the final piece that will take up significantly more time unless you are willing to pay extra. After any minor revisions, I will either email the commission to you or send a link to it on Google Drive. I will eventually delete the file on Google Drive to conserve space so please make sure you have it downloaded/saved!2.) Usage
★ I post my art on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, and deviantArt under the username @faunsipaws. If you’re uncomfortable with me posting your commission to any or all of these platforms, please let me know.
★ I may include your commission in my portfolio or as an example in my commission price sheet(s).★ Commissions may be used for personal use such as icons, social media banners, wallpapers, a personal physical print, keychains, etc. but not for commercial use. You don't have to ask permission before using your commission for a solely personal use.4.) Refunds
I will rarely have to, but I will offer a refund if I am unable to start or finish your commission. You may request a refund at any time unless the commission has already been completed.
- 100% refund if the commission has not been started
- 90% refund if only the rough sketch is completed/close to completion
- 75% refund if only the clean sketch is completed/close to completion
- 50% refund if in the process of being lined (for a lines+color commission), or if in the process of being color-blocked (for a painted commission)
- 25% refund if in the process of being colored (for a lines+color commission), or in the process of being rendered (for a painted commission)
- 10% refund if the whole commission is close to completion